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Sportcenter \De Zandzee\ is located in Bussum, Netherlands on Struikheiweg 14. Sportcenter \De Zandzee\ is rated 4.1 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Netherlands.
Good swimming facilities, with bath for children, bubble bath, and a couple of 25 m lap baths, one with lap swimming hours most of the day, all days of the week. Also included in the price of the ticket, a couple of Turkish steam rooms. Warm non-private showers where you can use your own soap and shampoo. You need a 50 c coin for a locker (will be returned upon departure). For non swimmers there is a café with large bay windows looking onto the children's swimming area.
Community pool really, they do lessons, have a few separate swim sections. Good parking and pretty good snack bar for a bite to eat after a swim. It's very close to some nice countryside if you fancy a walk or a bike ride.
Our 2yo loves it!!! And it says enough ;) She enjoys exploring different bath type (from Nijntje bad with 20cm depth up to the normal pool 1,30). Up next it's the 2m pool
Good swimming pool.
Great vivid test
Sportcenter \De Zandzee\
Struikheiweg 141406 TK BussumNetherlands
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